Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Customers - We Love Taking Care of Them!

At PartSource we try our best to "Make It Easy" each and every day. In this hectic world and crazy difficult marketplace, it's common for companies to disregard the importance of taking care of their most important asset - their customer.

Had to share recent compliments from one of PartSource's key customers and PartSource Partner - North American Trailers, LLC in Salt Lake City, UT. Great folks, who know a thing or two about outstanding customer service and loyalty. We're proud to call them Partners.

From: Chad Larsen
Date: November 13, 2009 3:42:27 PM CST
To: Jerry Rothwell , Buck Buchanan
Subject: Fwd: Hangers
Jerry and Buck,

FYI. Thanks to all at Fontaine for the great relationship!

Have a great weekend!

Chad D. Larsen
North American Trailer, LLC
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
From: Dave Paschall
Date: November 13, 2009 2:30:38 PM MST
To: David Lee , Chad Larsen
Subject: Hangers

Thanks again for your help. The support I get from Fontaine parts and warranty has always made my job easier. It seems like no matter what the situation is someone from your group is always willing to lend a hand.

Best Regards,
Dave Paschall

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